Turn 2012 - Call for Proposals

3-5 May 2012 Contact, Manchester

A hÅb, Contact, Dance Initiative Greater Manchester, Live at LICA co-production and a greenroom legacy project.

·       To move or spin in a circular direction around an axis
·       A bend or curve in a road or a change in circumstances
·       An opportunity coming successively to a number of people
·       A short performance, one of a number given by different performers
·       A techie name for an Artiste. – ‘what time do the turns get here?’
North West dancers and dance-makers (aged 18+) are invited to submit proposals of short pieces of work, works in progress or extracts of longer works for inclusion in this event.  Closing Deadline 5pm Friday 13 January 2012.
An open submission dance platform for North West dancers and dance-makers:
·       Short finished pieces
·       Excerpts
·       Works in progress
·       Sited works in and around the building also welcomed.
Proposals should be for pieces with some live presence, 20 minutes maximum for show-type work, technically simple, adaptable to quick turnarounds and suitable for showing alongside other pieces.
Sited and intervention-based works in and around Contact are also strongly encouraged. 
We are also accepting proposals for video based work to be screened around the building.
·       a public platform
·       an opportunity for artists to meet, show and peer review work
·       an artist networking event.
·       a selection platform for the Turn Prize, a small, supported commission, supported by
hÅb, Dance Initiative Greater Manchester, Contact, Live at LICA
We are looking for dance in any form which uses the artists' creativity, has strong concept, original choreography and professional aspiration.  For example, alongside Contemporary, we'd be interested in hearing about street dancers who are looking choreograph a piece rather than to present a demonstration of  skill; or classical work (from Ballet to Kathak, African and Chinese dance to Bharata Natyam) that is being re-imagined or re-explored, rather than a straight re-presentation of classic choreography.
Selection will be by Baba Israel of Contact, Matt Fenton of Live at LICA / Nuffield Theatre Lancaster, Deb Ashby of Dance Initiative Greater Manchester and Tamsin Drury of hÅb.
Priorities are for high quality and exciting dance based work by North West artists, which has not been seen in Manchester before.
To apply:
This year we are piloting a new online proposal form.  We would appreciate it if everyone could use it, but if you have significant difficulties, contact turn@habarts.org for a .doc version.

1. Download and read the detailed guidance below and the tech specs and policies and procedures.
2. Complete and submit the proposal* & monitoring forms.
3. Include a (compulsory) video submission - upload to youtube.com/turnmcr or to your own YouTube/Vimeo page.

Closing Deadline 5pm Friday 13 January 2012


The proposal form must be complete at one sitting (you can't save and return to it later) so please copy and paste the longer elements from another document.

Turn cannot offer fees or expenses.

There will be a technical meeting for all selected artists on Saturday 21 April 2012.

Further information: turn@habarts.org